Mar 3, 2025

The City of Cottondale (City) is seeking sealed bids from general contractors (Contractor) for the Cottondale Park Renovations Project (Project) to renovate two park restrooms, construct six dugout covers, paint and seal coat the tennis court, basketball court, and shuffleboard court, and replace the tennis net and posts at the Cottondale Recreational Park.

Bids for the Project will be received by 2:00 PM CST, Tuesday, April 1, 2025, at the City of Cottondale City Hall located at 2659 Front Street, Cottondale, FL 32431. At that time, or shortly thereafter, the bids received will be opened and read publicly at the City of Cottondale Commission Meeting Room located within the City Hall.

A non-mandatory pre-bid conference for the Project will be held at 10:00 AM CST, Monday, March 17, 2025, at the Cottondale Recreation Park located at Henderson Rd, Cottondale, FL 32431.

For additional information and to obtain the project Bidding Documents, please contact:

Destinee Wiggins

DHM Melvin Engineering

4428 Lafayette Street, Marianna, Florida 32446


Office phone: (850) 482-3045

Late submittals received after the forementioned deadline date, either by mail, or otherwise, will not be considered and returned unopened. The time of receipt will be determined by the time received in the purchasing agent’s office. It is the sole responsibility of the firm for assuring that the submittal is received in the purchasing office by the designated date and time. No faxed, electronic, or oral submittal will be accepted. Firm/individuals are responsible for the delivery of its submittal. submittals received after the specified day and time will not be opened.

To be considered, the bidder must submit one (1) manually signed original and one (1) hard copy of the SUBMITTAL in a sealed envelope or package, clearly marked with the respondent’s name and address, and the words.

“Request for Bids: Cottondale Park Improvements Project” addressed to:

Cottondale City Hall

Attn. Sherri McBride

2659 Front Street

Cottondale, FL 32431

Small business and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to submit proposals, and firms using such subcontractors are strongly encouraged to solicit such firms in the subcontracting process. Any Contracts/subcontracts issued under this procurement must comply with the necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible, in accordance with 2 CFR § 200.321.


Published JC Times February 27, 2025