Cottondale Recreational Association (CRA) hosted OPENING DAY on the ball fields of the Cottondale Recreation Park on Saturday, April 1, 2023 — and what a day it was! The park was at its best since Hurricane Michael due to the hard work from the CRA leaders, volunteers, and the City of Cottondale staff. The kids exploded with excitement as they were introduced in the opening ceremonies, then playing their best on the fields.
Commissioner Brian Braxton
The City recognizes Commissioner Brian Braxton, who met with the Cottondale Recreational Association back in February. Braxton set up a meeting between the CRA leaders (Ashton Baggett, Billy Seiss, and Ricky Wade) and the Cottondale Recreation Parks Advisory Committee. The men presented a list of much-needed park repairs and other improvements.
The vote was unanimous; the Cottondale Board of Commissioners was on board with approving the list, and so the work began. This effective communication between city officials and the CRA paved the way for lasting relationships. The city clerk stated, “Public Works Director, Floyd Scott and I considered it a joy to work with the CRA in meeting the needs of the park. Thanks to Commissioner Braxton for the role he plays in building Cottondale as a community.

Mayor James A. Elmore was honored to throw the first pitch of the day, with Commissioner Braxton catching. “It’s nice to see the mayor out among the people,” one visitor noted. Grinning ear to ear, the mayor replied, “it’s good to be here.”

success one kid at a time
The American flag was a wonderous site flying over the many children, parents, grandparents, coaches, and leaders. We were told that the CRA signed up three times more kids than last year to the Dixie Youth Baseball program. This opening day, cheers and laughter beamed from kid to kid. One mom remarked, “my daughter said she did not want to play ball.” But that mom watched as her little one showed up, stepping out of her comfort zone for her teammates. Stories like this and the joy of the kids made the event, no doubt, a success!

The Cottondale Recreational Association looks forward to the weeks ahead and expects a grand season.