Cottondale Grants Projects

Jan 11, 2022

The City of Cottondale has been working hard for the residents and businesses to make life better. City Commissioners and department heads have sought out funding that has come available for much needed projects. To say the least, they are grateful for these opportunities. Among the list of grants awarded is the Home Town Revitalization Project.

On August 4, 2021 the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) awarded theNewspaper Article City of Cottondale the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds based on the City of Cottondale Home Town Revitalization Project application. The budgeted cost is $1,691,221.46.  The City of Cottondale partnered with the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners, who played a vital role in securing this grant. The city plans to begin the advertising for bids in regards to engineering and administration.

The City of Cottondale is to revitalize the downtown commercial corridor that runs along Highway 231 through the center of its community.  This will include the demolition and rehabilitation of structures that were impacted by Hurricane Michael as well as improvements to City’s public parking lot that also serves as an event location.

Once properties are acquired from the land owners, the project will demolish several remaining buildings to make way for new commercial operations that will view the City of Cottondale as an attractive location for business. Acquiring the properties is key.  This could bring much needed new jobs to the area and breathe new life into this low-and moderate-income area.

In addition to the CDBG-DR Home Town Revitalization Project, the city has been approved for the following grants.

  • CDBG – Culverts and Caney Pond $4,347,351.00
  •  CDBG – Sewer Line Replacement $2,394,642.00
  •  ARPA – New Water Meters for the City $448,264.00
  •  M-SCOP – Starting soon Zion Street Repaving $304,396.00

That’s not all. The city is active in pursuing other grants to help the community grow. Theresa Brannen, the City Clerk said, “we’re hoping to find funding for city signs. Melvin Engineering has designed four options (pictured at the top), which the residents are voting on.”

Let’s don’t leave out the Dollar General Mini Market, which is under construction. Growth is certain for Cottondale!

Which sign do you like?

Article written 12/6/2021 by Sherri McBride, City of Cottondale Deputy Clerk

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