The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) is making available $42,233,440 in CDBG-MIT funding to local governments impacted by Hurricane Michael through the Rebuild Florida General Infrastructure Repair Program. This public notice is to solicit citizen comments on the proposed application for the City of Cottondale. The public comment period begins on May 18 and ends on May 31, 2022 at 5 p.m. CST. For information on this public notice or projects, to provide comments on proposed projects listed below, or to receive a copy of the draft CDBG-MIT applications, contact Sherri McBride, City Clerk at 850-352-4361 or The application will also be available for review at City of Cottondale City Hall Complex located at: 2659 Front St, Cottondale, FL 32431.
The City of Cottondale will submit two projects for consideration under this round of funding which is detailed below:
PROJECT: Potable Water Backup Well Installation Mitigation – Click here for public notice.
PROJECT: Critical Facilities Hardening and Safe Room for Cottondale Police and Fire Departments
(Estimated Grant Request: $1,800,000)
The proposed project would construct a new building for the Police Department on an existing piece of land between the Fire Department building and City Hall. The Police Department is currently housed in a manufactured home further down on Front Street which incurred damage from Hurricane Michael and does not fully meet the requirements for certification by FDLE. The project would construct the entire police station as a safe room for first responders and includes the hardening of the adjacent Fire Department building. The project also proposes direct connections between the Fire Department, Police Department and City Hall which will help to facilitate stronger relationships and communications between these vital city services.
The City of Cottondale does not anticipate that anyone will be displaced because of the CDBG-MIT funded activities proposed above. If persons are displaced because of the planned activities, the City of Cottondale will assist in compliance with anti-displacement and relocation policies.
This public notice and comment period is being conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure accessibility to all. Any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this public notification is asked to reach out to Sherri McBride, City Clerk at 850-352-4361 or If you are hearing, speech impaired, or need other accommodations, please contact Mrs. McBride using Florida Relay Service by dialing 7-1-1, which can provide many different services including Spanish to English translation.
Any non-English speaking person wishing to receive information on this public notice can contact Sherri McBride, City Clerk at 850-352-4361 or and interpretation will be provided. For Spanish to English interpretation services, please use the services provided through Florida Relay by first calling 844-463-9710.
Cualquier persona que no hable inglés y que desee recibir información sobre este aviso público puede comunicarse con Sherri McBride, secretaria municipal al 850-352-4361 o y se proporcionará interpretación. Para los servicios de interpretación de español a inglés, utilice los servicios proporcionados a través de Florida Relay llamando primero al 844-463-9710.