The City of Cottondale hereby is soliciting for a “Request for Qualifications” from qualified individuals or firms to provide engineering services for a Hurricane Michael Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) project. DOWNLOAD ADVERTISEMENT
The project involves stormwater drainage improvements within and draining from the Caney Pond stormwater drainage basin within the City of Cottondale.
The City has been awarded a Hurricane Michael CDBG-DR grant number M0019 in the amount of $4,347,351.00, therefore, procurement and contracting will follow CDBG regulations.
Contracts funded in whole or in part through other funding sources such as the Florida Rural Infrastructure Fund may be entered into from this solicitation.
Engineering Services for this project will include but not be limited to topographical surveying, testing, engineering design, permitting, bidding, construction administration and resident observation services.
Proposals will be accepted on an equal competitive basis. No bid or proposal will be accepted from individuals or firms placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime.
The evaluation criteria that will be utilized in the selection of the engineer are as follows:
- Knowledge of State and Federal Regulations governing the
CDBG Program as well as other grant programs; 20 pts. - Experience with CDBG Funded Projects; 20 pts.
- Experience with municipal engineering projects; 10 pts
- Management and Staffing; 10 pts.
- Approach to Task; 20 pts
- Ability to become Quickly Familiar with Local Conditions; 10 pts.
- References: All CDBG projects for last three (3)
years for which you are responsible; 10 pts
In the event of a tie, if one of the businesses involved in the tie is minority or female owned, they shall be ranked above the other firm or firms involved in the tie. Engineering fees will be negotiated after ranking is completed utilizing the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiation Act, Florida Statute 287.055.
Negotiation will begin with the firm ranked highest based upon the final rankings.
Respondents are required to submit an original and five (5) copies in a sealed envelope marked “SEALED PROPOSAL FOR CDBG M0019 ENGINEERING SERVICES” plus a digital copy on flash drive. Proposals must be received by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, May 2, 2022 at the City of Cottondale City Hall, Attention: Sherri McBride, City Clerk, 2659 Front Street, Cottondale, Florida 32431. Proposals will be publicly opened on Monday, May 2, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall. Evaluation and selection will occur in accordance with the appropriate requirements at a time and place to be determined. At the discretion of the City, respondents may be asked to give a short presentation/interview as part of the selection process.
The City of Cottondale reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities or irregularities in the proposal process and to award the contract(s) in the best interest of the City.
Engineering service contract(s) may be subject to grant/loan award and release of funds by the funding agency.
For additional information contact the City Clerk, Sherri McBride at 850.352.4361 or email CITY OF COTTONDALE SUPPORTS “EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT, FAIR HOUSING AND PROVIDING HANDICAP ACCESS”.