The City of Cottondale plans to apply to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) for a Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) of 1,426,659.00. For each activity that is proposed, at least 70% of the funds must benefit low-and-moderate income persons. The activities, dollar amounts and estimated percentage benefit to low-and-moderate income persons for which City of Cottondale is applying are:
Service Area #1 Service Area and Project Area
The activities to be carried out in Project Area #1 are as follows:
Construction – The City of Cottondale will utilize CDBG-CV assistance to renovate the City’s Community Center, located at 2666 Front Street, Cottondale, Florida, to provide a clean, safe and handicap accessible location for residents to receive testing and vaccinations for COVID 19. The renovation will include expansion of the west side of the building to provide adequate space for COVID testing and vaccinations, installation of necessary handicap accessibility, renovation of the restrooms and ensuring they are handicap accessible, replacing the existing roof and installation of a new HVAC system. Additionally, the City will utilize CDBG-CV funding to acquire a small parcel of property adjacent to the Community Center to accommodate the development of a parking lot to serve the Community Center. The renovated building will provide local essential testing and vaccination services for the residents of Cottondale, the majority of which are low- to moderate income.
The City of Cottondale does not anticipate anyone will be displaced as a result of the proposed CDBG-CV funded activities. If any persons are displaced as a result of these planned activities, the City of Cottondale will assist as described in the City’s anti-displacement and relocation policy, which is available for review at 2659 Front Street, Cottondale, Florida.
A public hearing to receive citizen views concerning the community’s Coronavirus relief needs will be held at the City of Cottondale City Hall Meeting Room, located at 2659 Front Street, Cottondale, Florida, on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 6:00 pm. If you have questions concerning the CDBG-CV application process or the list of eligible activities, please contact Ms. Theresa Brannen, City Clerk, City of Cottondale at 850-352-4361 or at email (
A draft copy of the application will also be available for review during normal business hours at City of Cottondale City Hall located at 2659 Front Street, Cottondale, Floridaby noon on Thursday, October 28, 2021. Persons wanting to submit written comments on the application should send them to Ms. Theresa Brannen, City Clerk at P.O. Box 398 Cottondale, FL 32431-0398 or by email at ( no later than Friday, October 29, 2021.
A copy of the final application will be available for review at the City of Cottondale City Hall, no later than Monday, November 1, 2021. The application will be submitted to DEO on or before Monday, November 1, 2021. To obtain additional information concerning the application and the public hearing, contact Ms. Theresa Brannen, City Clerk, City of Cottondale at 850-352-4361 or at email (
The public hearing is being conducted in an ADA accessible location, however if any disabled person wishing to attend the meeting requiring special accommodations for the meeting should contact Theresa Brannen (850-352-4361), at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and special accommodations will be provided. Non-English speaking, deaf, or visually impaired persons needing an interpreter should contact Theresa Brannen (850-352-4361), at least 48 hours prior to the meeting and an interpreter will be provided.
The City of Cottondale Is A Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity/Handicap Accessible Jurisdiction.